Monday, March 16, 2009

for today part 2......

Outside my window... I can see the grass turning green and the geese coming back!

I am thinking... about my order of school things I will need for next year!

From the learning rooms... we will be studying the birth and life of Jesus Christ for the next 2 weeks!

I am thankful for... women who have a deep passion for Christ and share that on their blogs and my awesome Husband!

From the kitchen... Grilled Fish with veggies, brown rice and salad

I am wearing... cozy pants, black shirt, pink socks and glitter on my eyes!

I am reading... a Karen Kingsbury book called Fame

I am hoping... that spring comes quickly and the Lord's will be revealed!

I am creating... a huge mass of food for tomorrow's St. Patricks Day dinner party!

I am hearing... worship music, birds chirping (from Liberty's sound machine), the heater turning on and children fast asleep....which actually sounds like nothing :)

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